Wayfair Marketplace Integration

Expand your business by selling on Wayfair.
GeekSeller has been an official Wayfair Partner since 2019.
We know how important good customer support is to your business. See our reviews on TrustPilot, Google Maps and Capterra.

Selling on Wayfair FAQ

Who can sell on Wayfair?
Wayfair is looking for suppliers offering quality products, primarily from the furniture, garden, and home decor categories.
How does pricing work on Wayfair?
Wayfair does not charge any percentage fees on sales made by sellers, but rather it operates on the wholesale cost model. This means Wayfair pays suppliers the wholesale cost of items, and the marketplace decides what the retail price should be on its website.
Shipping Wayfair orders
Wayfair’s primary method of fulfillment is drop-shipping. When a customer purchases something at Wayfair.com, a seller receives the purchase order, prepares a package and ships it directly to a customer. The important detail is that a seller is responsible for getting a package ready, but this is Wayfair that arranges and pays for 100% of the shipping cost.
Sell globally
Wayfair works with suppliers from around the world. Wayfair is available for buyers in Canada, the USA, and Europe.

Wayfair Integration

GeekSeller is an official Wayfair integration partner since 2019. We provide support for Wayfair sellers to help manage and automate their order and inventory management.
Multichannel Inventory Management
With GeekSeller, you can sync your inventory between Wayfair and other platforms and have it updated automatically as you make sales.

Order Management
Create labels in a few clicks, for individual orders or in bulk. GeekSeller supports printing provided by Wayfair shipping labels.

CastleGate is Wayfair’s proprietary logistics offering which provides end-to-end services from factories across the world to the end customers across North America and Europe. If you are enrolled in this program, you will see all your CastleGate orders in the GeekSeller interface.

Premium Support
Escalate Wayfair support cases through GeekSeller's access to priority channels.

Create rules to automate tasks.

Analyze data through an interactive dashboard.

Case Study

Wayfair + Shopify

A home decor seller had been using Shopify for their online store but decided to expand their reach by selling on Wayfair. However, managing inventory and orders across two platforms was proving to be time-consuming and inefficient. That's when GeekSeller stepped in to help automate the process.

GeekSeller connected the seller's Shopify and Wayfair accounts, allowing Wayfair orders to appear in Shopify's interface where they could be fulfilled. This not only made the order process more efficient but also allowed the seller to manage inventory levels in one place - Shopify. GeekSeller then sent updated inventory levels from Shopify to Wayfair, ensuring accurate stock levels on both platforms.




Case Study

Wayfair + ShipStation + SFTP

A seller of floor & wall tiles wanted to expand their reach and decided to venture into Wayfair's marketplace. However, managing inventory and orders across multiple platforms proved to be a challenge for them. To overcome this challenge, they sought the assistance of GeekSeller.

GeekSeller connected the seller's ShipStation and Wayfair accounts, allowing Wayfair orders to appear in ShipStation's interface. This streamlined the order fulfillment process. The seller's inventory data was read and updated by GeekSeller from a custom SFTP location, and then sent to Wayfair, ensuring accurate stock levels on all platforms.

Already selling on Wayfair?

Sell on Wayfair.com with GeekSeller. We offer multichannel solutions to integrate your Wayfair account with other channels and automate tasks.

Ready to apply to Wayfair?

Wayfair is looking for new sellers to join the marketplace. Fill out the interest form, and we will introduce your company to the Wayfair team.

Apply directly here or fill out this form and GeekSeller will introduce your business to the Wayfair team.
"GeekSeller was fantastic to work with. Their support is top notch. They always handled every problem we had and made sure they service did exactly what we needed it to do. Highly recommended."
Via Google Maps on March 2023 by Richard
"Made short work of a frustrating issue in a couple of hours! I am very grateful and trust Geekseller with all my business moves!"
Via TrustPilot on Jun 2020 by Sandra
"Wonderful to work with. They are so intelligent, fast, and willing to help, it makes my job easy!"
Via TrustPilot on Jan 2021 by Jayne

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