Back in October 2021, Amazon hosted the Accelerate event, where, among other innovations, Amazon Local Selling was introduced. In a nutshell, this option is for selected sellers who own a brick-and-mortar store or warehouse and can deliver products to customers within local delivery areas. Shoppers can also choose to buy online and pick up in-store (BOPIS), which is an excellent opportunity to drive traffic and build a connection with a customer. It is a brilliant idea that blurs the lines between e-commerce and retail.

How it works?
With Amazon Local Selling, your listings will show new purchase options for Amazon customers who live within specific zip codes and a 25-mile radius of your retail stores or warehouses. These new options are fast local delivery or in-store pick-up (there is even an option to offer installation services) with a 5-day pick-up window.

It is ideal for sellers with bulky, hazardous, or fragile items that are uneconomical to ship. In fact, any retail seller can benefit from the Local Selling feature as it can tremendously increase the online presence for their stores and brand.
Our research shows that many customers will opt for local pickup when given the choice. This new capability is an exciting way to help sellers reach and delight more customers with great products and convenience
Jim Adkins – Vice President of Recreational and Vocational Categories at Amazon; Amazon Press Release
This feature requires an Amazon professional selling account which costs $39.99/mo plus referral fees. If you already have a professional account, Local Selling will be free of charge for you!
If you are interested in Amazon Local Selling, see this website for more information and an application form. Also, please let us know if you will be using it and if you would like to have this feature on your GeekSeller dashboard.