Category: Amazon

Two-factor authentication now required for Amazon Seller Central

Starting March 28, 2024, Seller Central will require identity verification via a mobile number or an authenticator app for sign-in, enhancing security against fraudulent access. Users without two-step verification set up will be guided to add a mobile device upon sign-in. Alternatively, users can opt for an authenticator app through “Login Settings” for convenience and improved security, especially for accounts with multiple users or when cell service is unavailable.

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Amazon made its FBA New Selection program easier to join

Starting March 1, 2024, sellers don’t need as high of a score to get in. This score, called the Inventory Performance Index (IPI), measures how well sellers manage their inventory. Before, you needed a score of 400, but now 300 is enough. Amazon did this to encourage more sellers to offer new products. They’re also giving sellers a bonus: about 10% back on sales of certain new items. Plus, sellers can now get help with storing and selling their products for longer periods.

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Amazon is expanding its “Ships in Product Packaging” program, and you get discounts for joining it

Amazon is rolling out a plan to ship items in their original packaging. Starting February 5, 2024, all third-party sellers in the U.S. and Canada using Amazon’s Fulfillment service can join the “Ships in Product Packaging” program, which sends products in the manufacturer’s packaging, avoiding extra Amazon packaging. Sellers who participate can also get a discount on fulfillment fees.

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Amazon Posts

I have recently been hearing about Amazon Posts, the new way in 2024 for brand-registered sellers to share unique lifestyle images and product-related content through a feed. This feed is shown on your product detail pages in the “Inspiration from this brand” section. Although the feature was introduced in Dec 2022, it appears to have evolved significantly over the last several months. In June 2023, it was introduced in the Amazon Ads console and now seems fully ready for use.

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Amazon Announces Reduced Seller Fees for Low-Cost Clothing

Amazon has announced a reduction in seller fees, but exclusively for clothing items priced under $20. Starting in January, apparel priced under $15 will see a dramatic decrease in seller fees from 17% to 5%. For clothing items between $15 and $20, the fee is adjusted to 10%. This change marks a significant departure from Amazon’s previous increase in seller fees for clothing, which went up to 17% from 15% back in April 2018. Business analysts speculate that this fee reduction is Amazon’s strategy to better compete with low-cost fashion retailers like Shein.

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2024 Amazon US FBA Fee Adjustments

In 2024, Amazon will adjust its seller fees, including an average increase of $0.15 per unit sold, new inbound fees averaging $0.27-$1.58 per unit, and reduced FBA fulfillment fees by $0.20-$0.61 per unit. Additionally, referral fees for certain apparel items will be reduced, and monthly storage fees will decrease by $0.09 per cubic foot.

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