Category: Amazon

Amazon’s New Listing Requirements for Specific Product Types Starting in June

mazon has announced that starting from June 6, 2023, new product listings for certain product types must include three new attributes: color name, size name, or product description attributes. These attributes are required for specific product types such as backpacks, underpants, bra, apron, keychain, costume outfit, leotard, scarf, sunglasses, light fixture, art supplies, hardware handle, kitchen, artificial plant, wireless accessory, home furniture and decor, and office products.

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Amazon’s New Delivery Window Requirement for FBA Shipments

Amazon has announced a new requirement for third-party selling partners who use non-partnered carriers for small parcels or less-than-truckload (LTL) shipments. Starting on April 24, 2023, sellers must provide a delivery window when creating a shipment using Send to Amazon. This delivery window is an estimated date range of when the seller expects their shipment to arrive at the fulfillment center. This will help Amazon better plan its operations and get products in stock faster.

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