Category: News

Google’s Inactive Account Deletion: What Sellers Need to Know

Google’s recent announcement regarding the deletion of inactive accounts, including Gmail, YouTube, and Photos, has implications for online sellers. This policy change aims to enhance security by removing dormant accounts that are more susceptible to compromise. However, sellers who utilize multiple Google accounts, separating their personal and business activities, should be aware of the potential impact on their data.

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USPS Audit Reveals Inaccurate Package Tracking System

Did you notice USPS tracking numbers’ low accuracy? An audit conducted by the postal Inspector General (IG) confirms it. The recent audit revealed that 64% of the tracking messages examined were inaccurate, emphasizing the need for improved communication regarding the delivery status. This poses a significant challenge for online sellers who strive to keep their customers informed and satisfied.

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Shein Marketplace is Now Live in the U.S.

Shein, one of the largest fashion retailers, has launched a marketplace in the U.S., expanding its offerings beyond fashion and becoming a hybrid retailer and marketplace. With sales reaching $30 billion in 2022 and projecting global GMV to grow to $80 billion in 2025, Shein aims to become a top online retailer in the U.S. […]

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Lessons Learned from Bed Bath & Beyond’s Challenges

Bed Bath & Beyond, once a thriving retail powerhouse and popular home furnishings destination, is now facing bankruptcy. The company’s revenue has declined, and its stock price has fallen by nearly 70% year over year. With so much uncertainty surrounding the company’s future, many wonder how things went wrong. According to insights from retail experts cited by CBS News, Bed Bath & Beyond made three key mistakes that contributed to its decline.

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