Author: Daniel Sodkiewicz (Co-founder and CTO)

Important Etsy Updates: Enhanced Privacy and Forum Access Changes

Etsy is rolling out significant changes that will impact how users interact with its platform. Starting soon, accessing most forum posts will require a user sign-in, ensuring a more secure and community-focused experience. Additionally, Etsy is tightening its data privacy policies. Effective February 5, access to buyers’ email addresses will be restricted in certain third-party integrations.

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Is free shipping more important than same-day delivery?

For retailers planning for 2024, here’s a crucial insight from a recent Forrester survey: customers value free shipping more than same-day delivery. This finding suggests a shift in focus for online retail strategies. Instead of investing heavily in fast delivery, offering free shipping could be a smarter move. It’s a simple yet effective change that aligns with what consumers want, potentially reshaping retail logistics in the year ahead.

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Amazon Announces Reduced Seller Fees for Low-Cost Clothing

Amazon has announced a reduction in seller fees, but exclusively for clothing items priced under $20. Starting in January, apparel priced under $15 will see a dramatic decrease in seller fees from 17% to 5%. For clothing items between $15 and $20, the fee is adjusted to 10%. This change marks a significant departure from Amazon’s previous increase in seller fees for clothing, which went up to 17% from 15% back in April 2018. Business analysts speculate that this fee reduction is Amazon’s strategy to better compete with low-cost fashion retailers like Shein.

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2024 Amazon US FBA Fee Adjustments

In 2024, Amazon will adjust its seller fees, including an average increase of $0.15 per unit sold, new inbound fees averaging $0.27-$1.58 per unit, and reduced FBA fulfillment fees by $0.20-$0.61 per unit. Additionally, referral fees for certain apparel items will be reduced, and monthly storage fees will decrease by $0.09 per cubic foot.

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